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Tips & Stories

Deciding What Size Shed You Need

One of the most important decisions in purchasing a building is deciding on the size. There are many things to consider, and so we will discuss a few of the most important ones.

When I Grow Up I Want to Be A Fireman

This customer followed his dreams of becoming a fireman. But what really caught our eye was when he kept on buying sheds for his large collection of fire equipment. Read on to see his interesting collection.

Is smaller the new bigger?

This customer turned a Beachy Barn’s Shed into a beautiful tiny home. We were very impressed with the artistic flair and the details used in this tiny home. Check out this blog for more details and images.

Blooming Bus

This customer story is not really about their shed they bought from us. But we were so intrigued by their garden on wheels that we thought it deserved a spotlight on our website. Enjoy.

This Old Barn

We think she was built in the 1930’s and added onto somewhere through the years. The barn has gone through changes over the years. Read more about the iconic barn on the Beachy farm property.


This blog post is all about flooring. We discuss 4 common types of shed floors and the benefits of each one. You’ll be floored!

Barn Guilt

This blog post talks about a common area of guilt that we hear a lot about from new shed owners. Read on to discover what problem often haunts new customers. Hint: It isn’t really about the shed.

How To Top Off Your New Shed

What is better, shingle roofing or metal roofing? In this post, we discuss the value of both types of roofing and give some good tips on how to choose the roof material for your shed.